How to generate a Learning Journey with MM-Assist?

Steps to create a new learning journey and Objective(s) with MM-Assist

1. Navigate to Learning Journeys Menu


2. Navigate to the Start Journey with MM-Assist

3. Complete Mindmarker-Assist Learning Journey Prompt

a. Fill out the required information carefully, as this is the initial stage and foundation of the program.

b. Click Save And Continue

c. Once your Learning Journey has been created, a confirmation message will appear on your screen.

4. Add or Edit Content

a. The Title and Description will be generated automatically with MM-Assist. You can edit it if required.

5. Generate Objectives

a. Navigate to the bottom of the section and click Generate Objective.

b. Determine the objective(s) with the help of the drop down and confirm. It will then start generating the objectives.

Note: A minimum of two objectives should be created.

c. A confirmation message will pop after generating the Objective(s).

6. Edit Objective(s)

a. The generated Objectives can be edited to change the Title, Description and Color.

b. To Edit the objective, click on (⋮) and select Edit.

c. In the Edit Objective window, add the following required information:

  • Title
  • Description
  • Type of objective
  • Color, which you'll add by selecting from preset options or defining your own hex code.

d. Once all required fields are complete, click Confirm to edit the objective.

e. A confirmation notice will appear at the top of your screen, with the edited objectives.

7. Customize your branding

a. Under the App Branding screen, you can view and update your current settings. 

b. To update your settings, select the Custom Configuration button. This will allow you to:

  • Update the color palette using HEX, RGB, or HSL
  • Update or remove your existing logo
  • Choose a background pattern (optional)

c. If you want to use this template as your default for all future learning journeys, check the Use Company Default box.

8. Click Save

a. Once all required fields are complete, click the Save button to apply the changes and create the learning journey.